
Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons guest Richard Blank, Hosted by Dr. Thomas Trautmann.

Where we dive deep into the minds of successful CEOs and business owners. Each episode features a candid conversation about their journey, exploring one failure, one success, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way.

Hosted by Dr. Thomas Trautmann, this podcast aims to uncover the strategies that drive real business growth and success. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned executive, tune in to gain insights that can help you ethically persuade and achieve your business goals.

When you know from the start that your life won't be the one your parents thought for you, when you grab crazy opportunities and use your guts to drive you, you get the amazing life of Richard Blank! Learn his amazing lessons in this episode!


Married Business Owner Get More! Trust, Success and Fun from your couple, clients and crew thanks to actionable Brain Science

Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons By Thomas - Happy Brains Welcome to Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons Lessons from the Path to Success

Hey there fellow CEO, Executive, Business Owner, welcome to Happy Brains, where your "What ifs?" become reality!

As a CEO, executive, or business owner, you understand the relentless demands of leading an organization while striving for personal fulfillment. The challenges of balancing growth, achievement, and retention can often feel overwhelming. But there is a way to Get More! without losing reputation nor resources!

Actionable Brain Science has been created to address these deep-seated frustrations and drive meaningful progress in both your professional and personal life.

In today's competitive business environment, it's not enough to merely keep up; you need to excel. This means continuously expanding your influence, accomplishing ambitious goals, and securing the future of your business and personal endeavors. However, this journey is fraught with subconscious fears and frustrations that can impede your progress.

Discover the three core principles:

Get More: Satisfy your desire for growth, recognition, and progress. CEOs and business owners are often driven by the need to expand their influence and see tangible results. By addressing the frustration of unfulfilled potential, you can achieve greater recognition and substantial growth.

Achieve More: Fulfill your inherent drive to accomplish significant goals and overcome challenges. The fear of underachievement or wasted potential can be paralyzing. Our approach helps you set and achieve high standards, proving your resilience and capability in the face of business obstacles.

Retain More: Secure the stability and long-term success you strive for. The fear of losing what you've built, whether it's financial security, key talent, or market position, is a common concern. By focusing on retention strategies, you can ensure ongoing success and stability for your business and personal life.

Your Brain The human brain For you to Get More! Trust, Success and Fun ... it all starts in your brain! You have been told a lot of things through life, you have been asked to learn, memorize through your school/studies times but none ever told you HOW TO MAKE THE DECISIONS for you to GET MORE!

None told you how to drive your decisions neither how to ETHICALLY PERSUADE others. None told you how to keep the fast decision maker in your brain, running on primal processes, under control. None told you how to trigger the rational part of your brain.

Why? Because hidding this from you ensures that you will follow the established rules and stay within the herd!

You want to Get More!? Now is the time to dive into the secret brain techniques and become a HAPPY BRAIN!

Learn more here! Happy Brains is the home of the IMPACT System! Inspire: Cultivate a constant source of inspiration for your clients and partners by leading by example, motivating through your vision and passion. Market: Implement innovative marketing strategies, based on brain science that capture attention and establish a significant presence in your target market. Profit: Optimize your mindset towards money to embrace abundance, ensuring the financial growth of your business. Attract: Naturally attract clients and opportunities by using brain science principles to create irresistible messages and offers. Convert: Turn prospects into loyal customers through ethical persuasion techniques, based on a deep understanding of neural decision-making. Trust: Build lasting relationships based on trust, by being open, honest, and consistent in all your interactions, resonating with their brains.

Your Happy Tribe Builder Your smile is my energy!

My name is Thomas Trautmann, providing you with unique content and services to Get More! is my goal.

As an entrepreneur for years, I had many ups and downs, successes and failures, just like you, but I have a secret tool you don't have ... yet!

Following scientific studies in the fields of artificial intelligence, and an engineering degree, my career was oriented towards marketing and sales. After a few years, I became a Certified Neuromarketing Instructor, using the latest brain and decision-making science, improving my clients’ businesses’ marketing, sales and strategies.

During these few years teaching and conducting NeuroMarketing projects, I studied the differences between male and female brains to help me improve my relationship and my teachings. Thus was born the NeuroCouple concept, accompanied by my first book on the subject, helping women and men enjoy better relationships thanks to brain science.

It was then that it became clear to me that those who deserved the most access to all this knowledge were the people wanting to genuinely help other people reach the best decisions: ENTREPRENEURS. And so was born the Ethical Persuader System, followed by the Decision Hack System.

I give workshops, trainings and seminars for companies and individuals. And I am also a speaker at conferences all around the world, to help people like you, make the best decisions to Get More! and become the Ethical Persuader.What drives me? Your smile! To see that you found a new way to be happy in your couple, in your job, in your life.

Your smile is a facial expression and as such is driven by your brain! See, I told you I love brains!

During my whole career, which I started as a computer engineer investigating the way people were thinking and writing software, I always had a passion for what makes us be who we are.

When it comes to my career in Marketing and Sales I always had a strong passion for understanding what make the products and businesses I manage unique, and focused towards their customers, uncovering their hidden motivations and desires. This has allowed me to build very strong ties with my own business customers and strengthen their competitive advantage.

Over the last years after having spend over 25 years in engineering and marketing with both high tech and industrial companies such as Robert Bosch, Hewlett-Packard, AOL, Steelcase and Sapa Building Systems, I’ve joined SalesBrain, the first NeuroMarketing agency. Over the last couple of years I noticed that many parts of neuroscience could not only used for marketing, sales, management or strategy, but could be very useful in your personal life, in your love life .

Born in Switzerland of German descent, I have lived in Belgium, France, and Ireland, and consider myself a European citizen.

I am living with my second wife for more than 10 years and have 5 kids (2 from a past life, and 3 with my wife), which gives me a great perspective on what love life is about.

I graduated in Computer Engineering, hold a Master Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic and a PhD in Artificial Neural Networks.[:fr]

Ce qui me motive ? Votre sourire ! Vous voir heureux d’avoir trouvé une nouvelle méthode pour plus de joie dans votre couple, votre travail, votre vie.

Votre sourire est une expression faciale qui est pilotée par votre cerveau ! Vous voyez ? Je vous avais dit que j’adore les cerveaux !

Durant toute ma carrière, qui à débutée comme ingénieur en informatique à décortiquer le raisonnement des autres lors de l’écriture de leur programmes, je me suis toujours passionné pour ce qui fait de nous qui nous sommes.

Pour ce qui est de ma carrière dans le Marketing et la Vente, j’ai toujours eu une forte passion pour comprendre ce qui rend des produits, ou une entreprise, uniques et focalisés vers les clients, afin de comprendre leurs motivations cachées et leurs désirs. Ceci m’a permis de construire des liens très étroits avec mes propres clients tout en renforçant leur avantage compétitif.

Au cours des 25 dernières années passées dans l’ingénierie puis le marketing et la vente, aussi bien dans des entreprises de high-tech qu’industrielles, comme Robert Bosch, Hewlett-Packard, AOL, Steelcase et Sapa Building Systems, j’ai pu apprendre de sur nous en regardant les gens à l’œuvre. Puis j’ai rejoint comme partenaire SalesBrain, qui est la première agence de NeuroMarketing. Ces dernières années passées dans l’application des neurosciences au marketing, à la vente et à la stratégie m’ont fait réaliser qu’il pourrait être fort utile d’appliquer les neurosciences à votre vie personnelle, à votre vie amoureuse.

Né en Suisse de parents allemands, j’ai vécu en Belgique, Irlande et en France, je me considère comme un citoyen européen.

Je vis depuis plus de dix ans avec mon épouse et ai 5 enfants (2 d’un premier mariage et 3 avec mon épouse), ce qui me donne une belle perspective sur la vie de couple.

Je suis diplômé comme Ingénieur en Informatique et possède un DEA en Intelligence Artificielle et Algorithmique ainsi qu’un Doctorat en Réseaux de Neurones Artificiels.[:]

Richard’s vision quest journey is filled with twists and turns. At 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers over two decades.

Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008.

Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain.

A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. In addition, entered into the 2023 Hall of Fame for Business along side other famous alumni. Paying it forward to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level.

Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies.


Triumph and Trials, Business Wins and Lessons, Dr. Thomas Trautmann, Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer,

TriumphandTrialsBusinessWinsandLessons #DrThomasTrautmann #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Gamification #CEO #learnpodcasting #podcastepisode #podcastguest #podcasting #podcastinterview #podcastplaylist #podcasts #podcastskills #podcastshow

Hosted by Dr. Thomas Trautmann. Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons guest Richard Blank


Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons guest Richard Blank, Hosted by Dr. Thomas Trautmann. Where we dive deep into the minds of successful CEOs and business owners. Each episode features a candid conversation about their journey, exploring one failure, one success, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Hosted by Dr. Thomas Trautmann, this podcast aims to uncover the strategies that drive real business growth and success. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned executive, tune in to gain insights that can help you ethically persuade and achieve your business goals. When you know from the start that your life won't be the one your parents thought for you, when you grab crazy opportunities and use your guts to drive you, you get the amazing life of Richard Blank! Learn his amazing lessons in this episode! https://youtu.be/b6qjFonXQxg Married Business Owner Get More! Trust, Success and Fun from your couple, clients and crew thanks to actionable Brain Science Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons By Thomas - Happy Brains Welcome to Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons Lessons from the Path to Success Hey there fellow CEO, Executive, Business Owner, welcome to Happy Brains, where your "What ifs?" become reality! As a CEO, executive, or business owner, you understand the relentless demands of leading an organization while striving for personal fulfillment. The challenges of balancing growth, achievement, and retention can often feel overwhelming. But there is a way to Get More! without losing reputation nor resources! Actionable Brain Science has been created to address these deep-seated frustrations and drive meaningful progress in both your professional and personal life. In today's competitive business environment, it's not enough to merely keep up; you need to excel. This means continuously expanding your influence, accomplishing ambitious goals, and securing the future of your business and personal endeavors. However, this journey is fraught with subconscious fears and frustrations that can impede your progress. Discover the three core principles: Get More: Satisfy your desire for growth, recognition, and progress. CEOs and business owners are often driven by the need to expand their influence and see tangible results. By addressing the frustration of unfulfilled potential, you can achieve greater recognition and substantial growth. Achieve More: Fulfill your inherent drive to accomplish significant goals and overcome challenges. The fear of underachievement or wasted potential can be paralyzing. Our approach helps you set and achieve high standards, proving your resilience and capability in the face of business obstacles. Retain More: Secure the stability and long-term success you strive for. The fear of losing what you've built, whether it's financial security, key talent, or market position, is a common concern. By focusing on retention strategies, you can ensure ongoing success and stability for your business and personal life. Your Brain The human brain For you to Get More! Trust, Success and Fun ... it all starts in your brain! You have been told a lot of things through life, you have been asked to learn, memorize through your school/studies times but none ever told you HOW TO MAKE THE DECISIONS for you to GET MORE! None told you how to drive your decisions neither how to ETHICALLY PERSUADE others. None told you how to keep the fast decision maker in your brain, running on primal processes, under control. None told you how to trigger the rational part of your brain. Why? Because hidding this from you ensures that you will follow the established rules and stay within the herd! You want to Get More!? Now is the time to dive into the secret brain techniques and become a HAPPY BRAIN! Learn more here! Happy Brains is the home of the IMPACT System! Inspire: Cultivate a constant source of inspiration for your clients and partners by leading by example, motivating through your vision and passion. Market: Implement innovative marketing strategies, based on brain science that capture attention and establish a significant presence in your target market. Profit: Optimize your mindset towards money to embrace abundance, ensuring the financial growth of your business. Attract: Naturally attract clients and opportunities by using brain science principles to create irresistible messages and offers. Convert: Turn prospects into loyal customers through ethical persuasion techniques, based on a deep understanding of neural decision-making. Trust: Build lasting relationships based on trust, by being open, honest, and consistent in all your interactions, resonating with their brains. Your Happy Tribe Builder Your smile is my energy! My name is Thomas Trautmann, providing you with unique content and services to Get More! is my goal. As an entrepreneur for years, I had many ups and downs, successes and failures, just like you, but I have a secret tool you don't have ... yet! Following scientific studies in the fields of artificial intelligence, and an engineering degree, my career was oriented towards marketing and sales. After a few years, I became a Certified Neuromarketing Instructor, using the latest brain and decision-making science, improving my clients’ businesses’ marketing, sales and strategies. During these few years teaching and conducting NeuroMarketing projects, I studied the differences between male and female brains to help me improve my relationship and my teachings. Thus was born the NeuroCouple concept, accompanied by my first book on the subject, helping women and men enjoy better relationships thanks to brain science. It was then that it became clear to me that those who deserved the most access to all this knowledge were the people wanting to genuinely help other people reach the best decisions: ENTREPRENEURS. And so was born the Ethical Persuader System, followed by the Decision Hack System. I give workshops, trainings and seminars for companies and individuals. And I am also a speaker at conferences all around the world, to help people like you, make the best decisions to Get More! and become the Ethical Persuader.What drives me? Your smile! To see that you found a new way to be happy in your couple, in your job, in your life. Your smile is a facial expression and as such is driven by your brain! See, I told you I love brains! During my whole career, which I started as a computer engineer investigating the way people were thinking and writing software, I always had a passion for what makes us be who we are. When it comes to my career in Marketing and Sales I always had a strong passion for understanding what make the products and businesses I manage unique, and focused towards their customers, uncovering their hidden motivations and desires. This has allowed me to build very strong ties with my own business customers and strengthen their competitive advantage. Over the last years after having spend over 25 years in engineering and marketing with both high tech and industrial companies such as Robert Bosch, Hewlett-Packard, AOL, Steelcase and Sapa Building Systems, I’ve joined SalesBrain, the first NeuroMarketing agency. Over the last couple of years I noticed that many parts of neuroscience could not only used for marketing, sales, management or strategy, but could be very useful in your personal life, in your love life . Born in Switzerland of German descent, I have lived in Belgium, France, and Ireland, and consider myself a European citizen. I am living with my second wife for more than 10 years and have 5 kids (2 from a past life, and 3 with my wife), which gives me a great perspective on what love life is about. I graduated in Computer Engineering, hold a Master Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic and a PhD in Artificial Neural Networks.[:fr] Ce qui me motive ? Votre sourire ! Vous voir heureux d’avoir trouvé une nouvelle méthode pour plus de joie dans votre couple, votre travail, votre vie. Votre sourire est une expression faciale qui est pilotée par votre cerveau ! Vous voyez ? Je vous avais dit que j’adore les cerveaux ! Durant toute ma carrière, qui à débutée comme ingénieur en informatique à décortiquer le raisonnement des autres lors de l’écriture de leur programmes, je me suis toujours passionné pour ce qui fait de nous qui nous sommes. Pour ce qui est de ma carrière dans le Marketing et la Vente, j’ai toujours eu une forte passion pour comprendre ce qui rend des produits, ou une entreprise, uniques et focalisés vers les clients, afin de comprendre leurs motivations cachées et leurs désirs. Ceci m’a permis de construire des liens très étroits avec mes propres clients tout en renforçant leur avantage compétitif. Au cours des 25 dernières années passées dans l’ingénierie puis le marketing et la vente, aussi bien dans des entreprises de high-tech qu’industrielles, comme Robert Bosch, Hewlett-Packard, AOL, Steelcase et Sapa Building Systems, j’ai pu apprendre de sur nous en regardant les gens à l’œuvre. Puis j’ai rejoint comme partenaire SalesBrain, qui est la première agence de NeuroMarketing. Ces dernières années passées dans l’application des neurosciences au marketing, à la vente et à la stratégie m’ont fait réaliser qu’il pourrait être fort utile d’appliquer les neurosciences à votre vie personnelle, à votre vie amoureuse. Né en Suisse de parents allemands, j’ai vécu en Belgique, Irlande et en France, je me considère comme un citoyen européen. Je vis depuis plus de dix ans avec mon épouse et ai 5 enfants (2 d’un premier mariage et 3 avec mon épouse), ce qui me donne une belle perspective sur la vie de couple. Je suis diplômé comme Ingénieur en Informatique et possède un DEA en Intelligence Artificielle et Algorithmique ainsi qu’un Doctorat en Réseaux de Neurones Artificiels.[:] Richard’s vision quest journey is filled with twists and turns. At 27 years old, he relocated to Costa Rica to train employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. With a mix of motivational public speaking style backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers over two decades. Richard Blank has the largest collection of restored American Pinball machines and antique Rockola Jukeboxes in Central America making gamification a strong part of CCC culture.Richard Blank is the Chief Executive Officer for Costa Rica’s Call Center since 2008. Mr. Richard Blank holds a bachelors degree in Communication and Spanish from the University of Arizona and a certificate of language proficiency from the University of Sevilla, Spain. A Keynote speaker for Philadelphia's Abington High School 68th National Honors Society induction ceremony. In addition, entered into the 2023 Hall of Fame for Business along side other famous alumni. Paying it forward to Abington Senior High School is very important to Mr. Blank. As such, he endows a scholarship each year for students that plan on majoring in a world language at the university level. Costa Rica’s Call Center (CCC) is a state of the art BPO telemarketing outsource company located in the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Our main focus has been, and will always be to personally train each and every Central America call center agent so that we may offer the highest quality of outbound and inbound telemarketing solutions and bilingual customer service to small and medium sized international companies, entrepreneurs as well as fortune 500 companies. https://costaricascallcenter.com/en/outbound-bpo-campaigns/ Triumph and Trials, Business Wins and Lessons, Dr. Thomas Trautmann, Richard Blank, Costa Rica's Call Center, Outsourcing, Telemarketing Call Centre, BPO, Nearshore Contact Center, Sales, Entrepreneur, B2B, Business, Podcast, Gamification,Leadership, Marketing, CX, Guest, Money, B2C education, BPO trainer, #TriumphandTrialsBusinessWinsandLessons #DrThomasTrautmann #RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Gamification #CEO #learnpodcasting #podcastepisode #podcastguest #podcasting #podcastinterview #podcastplaylist #podcasts #podcastskills #podcastshow Hosted by Dr. Thomas Trautmann. Triumph and Trials: Business Wins and Lessons guest Richard Blank [https://youtu.be/b6qjFonXQxg](https://youtu.be/b6qjFonXQxg)

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