
The admin has banned my other account from the wikileaks box. This is censorship. What the actual fuck.

The admin has banned my other account from the wikileaks box. This is censorship. What the actual fuck.


[–] free_mind -1 points

You were posting unrelated porn content.

So what? You can just enforce arbitrary rules? What if the wikileaks box wants to be a porn box??

[–] advokat -1 points Edited

What are you smoking. Mods can make their own rules. Anyone can claim ownership of a box and run it how they like as long as they follow the terms of service.

This is a WikiLeaks box and if you’re so obtuse as not to understand that or you may think your veiled attempts at trolling aren’t obvious to me, you can get fucked.

The whole fucking site doesn’t work like the way you imagine. It has site-wide rules, and mods built their own rules.

[–] free_mind -1 points

so you have your own little sjw hugbox in this box? lmao how pathetic. Can't even allow others to use their rights.

[–] advokat 0 points

Nothing sjw about it. It’s about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. If you want to use your right of free speech make your own damn box and post cartoon porn on it. Then no one will stop your idiotic charade.